Bear SPECIES LD Compound Bow

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Bear SPECIES LD bow for sale

Bear Species LD

Brace Height: 6.75 "
Axle to Axle Length: 31 "
Draw Length: 25 " - 32 "

Draw Weight: 55 lbs - 70 lbs
IBO Speed: 320 fps
Weight: 4.0 lbs

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SPECIES LD reviews

Thanks to the folks working at Bear, getting into archery has never been as easy as it is today. With the release of their new 2020 Species LD compound bow, Bear hopes to get more new hunters involved with their beginner-focused package that includes everything you need to just open the box and shoot.

Things to Consider Before Buying

The bear Species is the perfect bow for the archer looking to get into archery and just start shooting. The respectable firing speeds of up to 320 fps will satisfy the needs of any new hunter and allows for some hunting experience without the additional weight or power of a bigger bow.

The adjustable draw length of the bow means that it can be tailored to fit smaller or larger framed beginners for the most comfortable and accurate shooting position possible. The forgiving draw weight can range from 45-60 pounds or 55-70 pounds, ensuring that a wide variety of new archers can have equal success with their own Species LD, which has the perfect amount of power to get the job done. Each Species LD also comes standard with Bear’s Ready-to-Hunt package that includes all of the basic equipment like a sight and quiver, so new archers aren’t spending additional money on equipment that they could otherwise be saving.

Who Should Buy it?

The Bear Species LD is tailored to the beginner archer segment, but it has enough power and adjustability to fit a wide range of archers. With the adjustable draw length options ranging from 45-70 pounds, depending on the model, an older archer who is just getting into archery will be able to feel the power of this bow, even though it is designed for younger children too. The diversity of this bow makes it perfect for beginners of all ages, and an intermediate archer who doesn’t need any fancy technology would even be happy with a Species LD in their hands.

Who Shouldn’t Buy it?

Many new archers would love the Species LD and that is where it would be most as home. This bow may feel a little underpowered for more seasoned archers. It does not have much hunting-focused suppression technology that some of the more advanced Bear bows are equipped with. Most advanced and intermediate archers could enjoy the power of the Species LD, if they are willing to go without some more power and features.


  •  The Species LD is customizable to suit a wide array of archers
  • The price-to-performance ratio of this bow is seriously impressive
  • The Ready-to-Hunt package means new archers won’t need to buy much else


  •  The bow may be a little heavy and large for the youngest archers
  • The bow lacks any serious hunting technology

Final thoughts 

The new Bear Species LD is the perfect entry into archery for any new archer. You may not get all the fancy features of a more expensive bow, but you certainly get all the same fun.

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Specifications for the Bear bow: SPECIES LD

Brace Height6.75 “
Axle to Axle Length31 “
Draw Length25 ” – 32 “
Draw Weight55 lbs – 70 lbs
IBO Speed320 fps
Weight4.0 lbs

3 quick questions about Bear SPECIES LD

Is Bear SPECIES LD bows good for beginners?

How much does a Bear SPECIES LD bow cost?

Do you need a license to own a Bear SPECIES LD bow?

More about bows online

Bear bows for sale

The Bear SPECIES LD Compound Bow is one of the premier bows on the market today. It is lightweight and is used for hunting large mammals such as grizzly bears, and moose. Due to this, it is fairly accurate, and has a slow draw. You can get it customized to your liking in a couple of different ways. These include steel sights or a fiber optic sight that is not adjustable.

This bow comes in a variety of color combinations. There are brown, black, yellow, and white hues to choose from. They are also available in straight wood or composite woods. The composite bow is another option you have for customization. There are bow straps and adjustable limbs that allow you to customize your bow to your liking.

This bow is designed with a buttplate for stability, and the limbs to help with balance. The handles are rounded, and are one inch in diameter. The grip is made of a hook and loop system, which is quite flexible. These types of bows are constructed from carbon fiber and beech woods. Other features include the adjustable limb lengths and a back lock lever. The shafts are cut at three points CNC, which ensure a tight fit on the limb, and provides great strength. It is also an aluminum bow and is constructed of durable black powder tungsten.
